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Butlins-Bognor Splash Pool, UK

butlins graph

Heatsavr in Action at     butlin logo

Resort Reduces Fuel Consumption by 38%  and Reaps 540 % Return From HEATSAVR Liquid Pool Blanket

Visitors to the large 1300 square metre Butlins Splash Pool Complex at Bognor Regis like their temperatures sub-tropical and their water rides wet and wild.

The fabulous Splash Waterworld, full of rides and slides, flumes and bubbles is one of the most popular attractions on the resort and can accommodate well over 1000 visitors per day.

However, for Mr. Ian Shanahan, Resort Technical Services Manager keeping the swimmers warm and controlling the building environment does have its price. So when Ian was contacted to discuss the savings that could be made by the Heatsavr liquid pool blanket, he was only too happy to listen.

With energy savings in focus, most pool operators are aware of the tremendous savings that can be achieved by covering a pool when not in use. For many however, this has been limited or prevented by practical considerations. But now more and more commercial pools are discovering that there is an easy, practical and inexpensive alternative in the form of a liquid pool blanket called Heatsavr.

The Butlins fun and leisure pool at Bognor is just one example. Since the introduction of Heatsavr in September 2003, Ian has been monitoring the results and was delighted when the cost of energy, in the first year alone, fell by around £35,000 per annum.  With the subsequent steep rise in the cost of energy today’s savings are nearer £58,000. Since the cost of Heatsavr  works out at about £9,000 per annum this now represents a staggering 540% return on investment!

butlins graph

Above savings are based on 2003 energy prices

Actual current savings nearer £58,000 at 2006 prices

Net Return on Investment Over 540% at current prices

Heatsavr liquid is self-spreading and works by forming a monomolecular layer over the entire surface of the pool that remains intact when the pool is calm.

It can significantly reduce evaporation, which can account for anything between 70% and 90% of pool water heat loss. But on indoor pools in doesn’t just produce savings in water heating – because evaporation is reduced, the dehumidification system has less work to do and when the pool is unoccupied the hall air temperature can be maintained at a set back level.

Heatsavr breaks apart whenever the water is disturbed, although as soon as the water becomes calm again the protective layer reforms. Thus Heatsavr is a flexible cover, available 24 hours a day that works whenever and wherever the pool is calm, as opposed to a conventional cover, which can only be used when the pool is closed.


Pool Genius Network

I used the liquid cover on my own pool in the off season in AZ and in answer to all the questions, no problems. In essence the cover is an ultra thin film of alcohol floating on the pool surface. No residue, no build up, way too thin to taste, see, smell, or even know it's there. I swam it it regularly and can say it dramatically reduced my heating bill, not as much as a regular cover, but a lot. My pool was too large and irregular shaped to use a standard cover.

The way it works is, thin layer of alcohol prohibits evaporation. The layer is literally molecules thick and distributes extremely rapidly across the entire waters surface. Because the material itself evaporates, it need continual distribution, thus the "time release" fish to maintain a continual tiny flow into the pool.

I am not aware of the specific chemical formula, but understand the principal and indeed it works well.  The pool has a "super swim" which was used for year round exercise. The liquid cover made it affordable. (still a little pricey to heat a large pool but much less than it was originally)

Picture of the pool below:

Mesa, AZ


Coyote Partnership

December 15, 2008

I wanted to take a minute to tell you about how Heat Saver makes my life easier. The pool we have is 36,000 gallons and is indoors. Because it is used as a therapy pool for water exercises for disabled people, the temperature is kept at 90° F. The pool is heated with an electric heat pump. The winter temperature differential between the water and the outdoors caused terrible humidity problems. In spite of having several different types of dehumidification systems that we tried from several contractors, nothing worked. The walls and ceiling “rained” all winter. Mold and water damage were constant headaches. The cost of heating the pool was also quite high since the pool room is about 50% glass doors.

About ten years ago, I discovered Heat Saver. What a great product! Not only did it save a lot of heat in the pool, it also reduced the humidity substantially! Because of the large reduction in evaporation, the dehumidifier can easily keep humidity under 50%. No more mold, no more water damage, no more indoor “rain”….also, my pool heating bills are substantially lower and my water bill is less as well. All in all, Heat Saver has been a “life saver” for me.

This is one product that I definitely recommend to anyone who has a pool – indoors or out. It’s performance is superior to the pool cover we had and much easier! Taking the cover off was always so difficult. Heat Saver is so easy! For some years I put it in manually but the last three years I have used the automatic pump. That is another great product I recommend. We even have a large pond on the property with a waterfall – we use Water Saver in that – it makes a big difference in water loss in our climate.

Thank you for your great products.



Coyote Partnership

Yuma, AZ


Coastal Realty & Property Management

Oct. 14, 2008

Thank you for inventing the Heatsavr liquid pool cover. We use this product at 2 of our properties. It has saved us from buying pool covers and having to close the pool early every day. With Heatsavr the guests and owners can swimi later in the evening and the early risers can swim in the morning. We have used it for two years and the cost of the Heatsavr is less than the price of a pool cover every year.

Coastal Realty & Property Management
St. Augustine Beach and Tennis Resort
Barefoot Trace Condominiums


Cantrell Wellness Centre

Heatsavr works. That's the bottom line. Temperature control is crucial for the pool at our Wellness Center and Physical Therapy facility. Our clientele simply cannot tolerate water that is not appropriately warm. We are open year round and our pool is in an outdoor pool house. It is no small feat to have the water heated to within the limits required. With Heatsavr in the water we have confidence that the water temperature will be right, even at 530a in the morning when we open. It is a cinch to use; our staff loves it because we no longer have to deal with an uncooperative manual pool cover! It was a happy day when we removed the heat blanket for the last time!
We are very pleased with Heatsavr's performance.

Certified Pool Operator
Cantrell Wellness Center
Warner Robins, GA


Atlanta Swim Academy

Sept. 2008

We have 3 indoor pools kept at 88 degrees year round. We have been using Heatsavr now for a few years and love the fact that when our pools are not covered with our solar blanket, our Heatsavir Liquid Solar cover is in the water helping us keep our natural gas and watera bill down. We cover our pools every night with a solar blanket and have our auto feeders inject the Heatsar in the pools 1st thing every morning at 8am. So, during the day if there is a break in the pool, or only one side of our Jr Olympic pool is being used and there is litte wave action, the Heatsavr is working helping water evaporation. This is important with humidity in an indoor pool and it helps keep the heat in the pool which with the cost of natural gas these days, every therm counts. I have noticed less moisture on our windows in our pool area when the pool is uncovered and not in use with Heatsavr in the water. Heatsavr will pay for itself in no time with the savings on water and gas alone.

Atlanta Swim Academy
Marietta, GA


San Cervantes, AZ

Chandler, AZ 85224

August 15, 2003

Robert Thompson
Jasper's Clear Pool Wholesale
Tempe, Arizona

Dear Robert,

This is a letter of recommendation for Heat Saver, the liquid pool blanket system, I purchased from Jasper's in November 2002, for the San Cervantes Apartment Community.
During the 2002 Winter Pool Season, Heat Saver was used on our 102,000 gallon beach lagoon pool. We saved a significant amount on our gas heating costs, compared to the previous year. The system was easy to install and use. Our two large water features ran from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, while our four pool heaters maintained an 82 degree water temperature. Nine ounces of Heat Saver was injected into the pool every night, after 9:00 PM. Heat Saver worked well. In fact, I won an award from our management company for the substantial savings in gas heating costs for our property over a four month period.

I am able to highly recommend Heat Saver to any property management company heating a pool and wishing to save money on gas bills.

Thank you, Robert, for introducing the Heat Saver System to me and Mark Taylor Residential.

Maintenance Supervisor
San Cervantes


Grand Ocean Hotel, UK
Sent by: W.C.
Maintenance Manager
Date sent: 02.10.2003

To whoever it may concern
It does not come easy for me to recommend products to anyone but Heatsavr after using it for three months, has made such a dramatic change to our pool environment. Humidity has dropped significantly making it a more pleasing experience to use the pool and saving on the deterioration of the fabric of the building.

Energy savings were also very good so that it paid for itself several times over, chemical dosing has also been reduced and chlorine smell also is insignificant within the pool area. Energy savings after paying for Heatsavr over a two month period were 468.47 (english pounds) and we are only just coming into the heating season.

Maintenance Manager

Grand Ocean Hotel
East Sussex UK


Humphrey's Half Moon and Suites  

I want to thank you for introducing our facility to your product, HEATSAVR . This
product has given us amazing results of 15 to 22% savings in our natural gas consumption.
At first, I must say that I was a bit skeptical of a product that’s invisible to the eye, and how
the product forms an invisible blanket to trap the heat from escaping! Well, it works! And
we are enjoying savings that will be calculated into the new budget.

Thank you again, and I will look forward to the continued business in the future.


Director of Engineering and Landscaping

San Diego, CA 92106

City of Dawson Creek
Dawson Creek, BC

Date sent: Jan.1999

As per our conversation, I can confirm that the City of Dawson Creek has been using the liquid pool blanket Heatsavr product throughout the 1990's.
In the mid 80's we were, if not the first, then one of the first Canadian municipal operations to implement the use of physical pool blanket on an indoor pool. We were very happy with the blankets and recognized substantial savings on heat, and lower humidity in the facility. By the time we were on the 3rd or 4th generation of the blanket, we were made aware of the 'liquid pool blanket' product called Heatsavr.

We agreed to test the product, which had to date been used primarily in small motel/hotel operations. It was first used on the hot tub and when the last of our physical pool blankets were in need of replacement, we switched the main pool over to Heatsavr. The only change made once implementing the use of the product was to upgrade from manual additions to the timed metering system.

Initial concerns on using the product included what affect would Heatsavr have on:
-the pool water with the agitation of the water slide?
-the pool heating cores,filtration system?
-our robot pool vacuum?
-bather comfort?
-water chemistry and clarity?

Would there be a product build up on the "scum line"?
None of our initial concerns have surfaced as a problem in all the years of use. There have been no operational problems whatsoever with the extended use of the product.

As we discussed I am confident that we are realizing greater savings than with the physical blanket, since "liquid pool blanket" Heatsavr is always in the pool. During slower program times, when practically we could not put the physical pool blanket back on the pool. Heatsavr is there and doing its job.

Recreation Facilities Manager
City of Dawson Creek, BC
Jan. 1999



Mt. La Jolla Association

La Jolla, Ca


Sent by: M.S.
Date sent: May 2001

We have been using your Heatsavr product for the past year and we are entirely satisfied with its performance.
Prior to Heatsavr, we had blankets covers on three of our four pools, and all four of our spas. Needless to say these covers, their daytime enclosures, and the mechanisms used to roll and unroll them, were costly and required a substantial amount of maintenance.
With Heatsavr, we have eliminated the covers. Although we are using the same or slightly less gas for the pools and spa heaters, we have realized savings in labour costs as a result of using this product. We have had nothing but positive feedback from the residents of our 234 homes.
We would highly recommend Heatsavr to anyone who is currently using or considering installing a conventional pool cover.

Assistant Mgr
Mount La Jolla Association, CA


Hanmer Springs Thermal Reserve

Since first trailing Heatsavr in mid 1998, we have been using it every winter from then on. By using Heatsavr we have been able to reduce the amount of thermal energy required to maintain pool temperatures during our winter months.
Where the temperature can go as low as minus -1 to -10 degrees Celsius. There has also been no noticeable change in fultlration flow rates, the pool surfaces or mechanical plant.

Using Heatsavr has reduced the amount of thermal energy required to heat the pools as previously stated. This energy has been used to heat the changing room's shower water, thereby reducing our CO2 emissions by 89 tons per year and other energy costs by 40%. this fits in with our commitment to obtain Green Globe 21 certification (the path to sustainable travel & tourism).
We will most definitely continue using Heatsavr.

Operations Manager

31 Oct. 02


Geelong Aquatic Centre


3 Bridge Street, Newtown, 3220.

Phone 5222 5530 Fax 5222 5518



In July 2001 we completed the building of the second 25-metre pool at our Geelong Complex, and we knew that we would need a pool cover as soon as possible for this pool. We currently have a blanket on the first pool and are well aware of the heat and water savings that the cover had made. Since pool covers are expensive, it was decided to compare blankets on the market. We defined it as a high priority task to find a satisfactory blanket within the first six months.

We realized very quickly that we had a problem with condensation and dampness in the facility of the 25-metre pool, which soon became a major problem. Barwon pools who does all of our maintenance suggested that we at least consider Heat$avr as a short-term solution. This was closely looked at from a cost point of view, because of the possibility using it on all three of our pools. We agreed that we would at least try it for a short period.

Within days of starting to use the product we noticed the effect it began to have. It completely solved the condensation problem and as a result, when the complex was opened at 6 am in the morning it was dry. We also noticed that there was minimal heat loss from the pool. We then began to use it on all three pools in the facility.

Obvious evidence of solving the condensation problem was apparent to us in the morning when the Swim Club would start using the white board. Previous to using Heat$avr the boards were unusable because of dampness. Once the product was implemented the boards became dry and usable in the morning. This is a great reflection of the effectiveness Heat$avr has on both the pool and the building.

The cost of running the pool has been reduced by approximately 17-20%. The other 25-metre pool, which we are no longer putting the plastic cover on regularly, but instead using Heat$avr, has not seen any increases in operating costs.

We are completely satisfied with the results and especially the savings the liquid solar blanket has made. The effect on the facility has been significant, as the building is completely dry now. Currently we are using Heat$avr in the 3 pools at the Geelong Aquatics Centre, and the 2 pools at our Portarlington Complex.


North Vancouver Recreation Commission
Vancouver, BC

Sent by: David Naysmith, P.Eng
Manager, Facility Engineer
Date sent: May 3, 1994

Dear Dan:


I am very happy to provide Flexible Solutions this letter of reference for your HEAT$AVR energy saving pool additive.

Based on the original test results conducted in May 1991 at our Ron Andrews recreation centre, we have continued to purchase and add HEAT$AVR to all of our swimming pools and hot tubs in North Vancouver.

Without further monitoring of our heating and HVAC systems, it would prove difficult to determine exactly how much energy saving HEAT$AVR is actually providing, particularly as a number of other energy power smart iniatives have also been initiated throughout the commission facilities. However, I am confident that the original test data was a fair comparison of the anticipated benefits.

In reviewing our annual energy consumption and costs for the three swimming pools using HEAT$AVR, I have noted no significant increase for the past two years, which leads me to conclude that our annual purchase of HEAT$AVR totaling $1,620.00 is certainly contributing to our reduced energy consumption.


South Arm Pool
Richmond, BC

Sent by: Steve Scheifele
Pool Maintenance Supervisor

To Whom it May Concern,

When South Arm Pool opened for summer in 1994, it opened with a heating problem. Our old heat exchangers with the boilers running 24 hours a day could not heat the pool over 76 degrees.

We had heard of the product called HEAT$AVR, and decided to give it a try. Using the product we were able to maintain a minimum temperature of 82 degrees on a cold windy day.

In this situation HEAT$AVR clearly showed the ability to increase the efficiency of the heating system at our outdoor pool.


Victoria YM-YWCA
Victoria, BC

Sent by: Steve Hansen
Chief Enginner
Date sent: July 25, 1997

Dan O'Brien,

We have been using "HEAT$AVR" full time since November 1996. At that time we installed an automatic injection system for both of our swimming pools. Previous to using HEAT$AVR, we had difficulty with heat recovery in our warm water pool.

Now we have no trouble maintaining a constant temperature. I have found Flexible Solutions to be prompt and reliable.


Mirage Resort
Las Vegas, NV

Sent by: Stuart McDaniel
Marine Operations

Mirage Resorts will not allow me, at this time to endorse your product. Because of that I can only supply an overview of my initial findings. Until such time as I am able to conclude my program and get data from the other deparments upon their completion of purchase requirements, the following can unofficially be stated. The brining tank associated with the dolphin pool contains 10,000 gallons of water. Surface area is 260 feet square. Using HEAT$AVR, evaporation is down over 40% and odor is greatly reduced. I estimate energy use to maintain 71 degrees F has been reduced 50%. I indicated to you that I had spoken with the other department heads and an order for another 12 gallons of HEAT$AVR will follow shortly. I trust this will, for now, fit your needs.


Good Knight Inn
Calabasas, CA

Sent by: Al Camuso

Our outdoor pool used 20% less gas the first month we tried HEAT$AVR. We were able to keep the water warmer and also saved some electricity by using the water heater transfer pump less. It cost us less than $40 dollars per month to save $206 according to our gas meter. That's five bucks back for one spent!


Hotel Vancouver
Vancouver, BC

Sent by: Derick Toplass
Chief Engineer

We have been using HEAT$AVR in our pool and hot tub for six months - ever since seeing the results of the test done at our hotel. This product does exactly what it advertises, it saves us money on our pool heating bill without being difficult to use. HEAT$AVR has had no effect on the pool chemistry nor on the filters or plumbing. We plan to continue using this environmentally friendly product.


Whistler Fairways Resort
Whistler, BC

Sent by: Grant Magnuson

This spring is when we came to work on cold mornings, we couldn't see the far side of the pool because of the steam. As soon as we started using HEAT$AVR we could see across. If less steam means less wasted heat then HEAT$AVR is saving the hotel money. We also noticed that less makeup water in both our pool and hot tub since we've been using HEAT$AVR.

Apart from the energy savings, the pool is safer when we can see better. We will continue to use this product on our pool and hot tub.


A Casa Bella Hotel
Palm Springs, CA

Sent by: Laurence Gourlay

A Casa Bella Hotel began using HEAT$AVR in Oct 1994. Our pool is 30' by 50' and heated by natural gas. During our desert winter here in Palm Springs, our long term guests prefer the pool temperature at 85-86 degrees. In the past our utility bill averaged $1300 - $1500 per month. Since using the required amount of your HEAT$AVR product (4oz/day) the gas bills have been reduced dramatically by at least 30% in savings. We would like to render a most visual proof to describe you product in action.

During a November evening we applied HEAT$AVR to our pool. It was a cool evening - about 40 degrees. Steam was coming off the surface of the pool. After your product was in the pool and by the time I was back in the office (approx. 3-4 minutes), more than half of the pool had not steam rising and within 5 minutes there was virtually no steam rising from the entire pool surface. Positive proof it works.

Prior to HEAT$AVR we used a pool cover which was pulled onto the pool every night and removed in the morning - labor we no longer require. Here in the desert, pool covers last us 2 years before they have to be replaced at a cost of $300, a very large saving in itself.


Resthaven by the Sea
Sidney, BC

Sent by: E. Ceulatirs
Strata Council Chairman
Date sent: June 14, 1991

To Whom it May Concern,

The committee members of the Strata Council for Resthaven by the Sea were looking for a solution to excess humidity in the swimming and hot tub area of our Recreation Centre. We conducted a test with HEAT$AVR, a product of Flexible Solutions Ltd. which when added to our pool effectively reduced the humidity to an acceptable level.

The relative humidity of the pool and hot tub area was remarkably reduced. In about 20 minutes of the application of HEAT$AVR despite the presence of a swimmer in the pool the relative humidity meter showed a reduction from about 50% to 20% and remained there for an hour. During that time the ventilation system added outside air, which caused an increase in relative humidity, but HEAT$AVR again brought the relative humidity quickly down to about 20%.

We have used the product for about 12 months and found it very satisfactory and will continue to use it to control humidity in the pool and hot tub area and to save heat and pool chemicals.

The product noticeably enhances the pool's appearance, suppressing ripples and generally giving the appearance of a reflecting pool when not in use.


Resthaven by the Sea
Sidney, BC

Sent by: E. Ceulatirs
Strata Council Chairman
Date sent: June 14, 1991

To Whom it May Concern,

The committee members of the Strata Council for Resthaven by the Sea were looking for a solution to excess humidity in the swimming and hot tub area of our Recreation Centre. We conducted a test with HEAT$AVR, a product of Flexible Solutions Ltd. which when added to our pool effectively reduced the humidity to an acceptable level.

The relative humidity of the pool and hot tub area was remarkably reduced. In about 20 minutes of the application of HEAT$AVR despite the presence of a swimmer in the pool the relative humidity meter showed a reduction from about 50% to 20% and remained there for an hour. During that time the ventilation system added outside air, which caused an increase in relative humidity, but HEAT$AVR again brought the relative humidity quickly down to about 20%.

We have used the product for about 12 months and found it very satisfactory and will continue to use it to control humidity in the pool and hot tub area and to save heat and pool chemicals.

The product noticeably enhances the pool's appearance, suppressing ripples and generally giving the appearance of a reflecting pool when not in use.


Resthaven by the Sea
Sidney, BC

Sent by: E. Ceulatirs
Strata Council Chairman
Date sent: June 14, 1991

To Whom it May Concern,

The committee members of the Strata Council for Resthaven by the Sea were looking for a solution to excess humidity in the swimming and hot tub area of our Recreation Centre. We conducted a test with HEAT$AVR, a product of Flexible Solutions Ltd. which when added to our pool effectively reduced the humidity to an acceptable level.

The relative humidity of the pool and hot tub area was remarkably reduced. In about 20 minutes of the application of HEAT$AVR despite the presence of a swimmer in the pool the relative humidity meter showed a reduction from about 50% to 20% and remained there for an hour. During that time the ventilation system added outside air, which caused an increase in relative humidity, but HEAT$AVR again brought the relative humidity quickly down to about 20%.

We have used the product for about 12 months and found it very satisfactory and will continue to use it to control humidity in the pool and hot tub area and to save heat and pool chemicals.

The product noticeably enhances the pool's appearance, suppressing ripples and generally giving the appearance of a reflecting pool when not in use.


Wet'n'Wild Water Park
Queensland, Australia

Sent by: Scott Parnel
Technical Services Manager
Date sent: April 4, 1997

Dear Peter:

Winter is drawing closer and once again we will require your fantastic product. Our new attraction "Calypso Beach" require your product, because it has a very unusual shape and pool blankets can not be used.

We are looking at using HEAT$AVR in our new attraction as well as in all our pools and slides to ensure the water we heat to 26 degrees C stays ate 26 degrees.

Please give me a call as soon as possible so we may finalise the quantity required with our additional new attraction.


Lorrimar Family Swim School
Irrewillipe, Australia

Sent by: Lorraine Martin
Date sent: January 2, 1999

Dear Peter:

I was so impressed with HEAT$AVR that when Aqua Science asked me in July 1998 to do a controlled scientific trial I said yes instantly.

We had a problem with condensation in the winter, causing dripping from rafters and lost of moisture on walls and windows in the pool area.

Using HEAT$AVR we have elliminated the dripping and almost all moisture from the walls and windows in the pool area. Our gas cost for pool heating has also been reduced.

It was found during the trial that HEAT$AVR had no detrimental effect on water quality and bather comfort was also completely unaffected. (I spend 30 hours a week in the water). I have found HEAT$AVR to be a fantastic product which I will continue to use.


Kerre White's Swim School
Marsden, Australia

Sent by: Kerre White

To Other Managers:

When we moved into our Marsden Aquatic Centre we inherited a huge gas bill and a monthly heating cost that was astronomical.

We started using HEAT$AVR in the hope it would help slightly and were amazed that we noticed a difference almost immediatly. We calculated a saving of approx. $160 a month, approx. $40 a week and to this day have not encountered any abnormalities in our water quality.

Using HEAT$AVR is almost too easy to believe. We will certainly be continuing to use HEAT$AVR at Marsden and in our new centre at Browns Plains and will be recommending it to all our Mobile clients.


Port Aquatic Centre
Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia

Sent by: Richard Love
Date sent: July 30, 1996

To Peter King,

Thank you for the sample supply of your product HEAT$AVR. We used the product for most of June 96 and 2 weeks of July 96.

As all our gas heating bills have not yet been analyzed, it is hard to give a percise savings figure as a common gas supply feeds our SOM pool and our Hydrotherapy & Learn to Swim pools and these are maintained at different termperatures.

The HEAT$AVR was trialled in the SOM pool which is maintained at 27 degress C. My preliminary calculations indicate savings in gas of $120 per week.

While condensation in the centre decreased, it did not reduce as much as I hoped, however the result was still good. Please could we have some more!!


H2O Enterprises Inc.
Queensland, Australia

Sent by: Sharron Crowley
Date sent: June 3, 1999

Dear Peter,

We have used HEAT$AVR in our swim school (The Aquaventures Swim Centre) for some time. We are pleased to state that it has had no effect on water quality or water chemistry. We have noticed a reduction in our pool heating costs since using this product.

It was nice to meet you at the ASCTA Conference in Melbourne and I wish you well on your ventures.


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